Here are the top ten most-read posts from the New Mexico Appellate Law Blog in 2014. Thanks again to all the readers of this blog!
1. New Mexico Supreme Court adopts reciprocity in bar admissions.
Reciprocity is set to go into effect on June 1, 2015, and has the potential to significantly change the practice of law in New Mexico.
2. Should the word limit for federal appellate briefs be decreased?
3. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to speak in Santa Fe on August 15.
Notorious RBG is a big fan of New Mexico!
4. New Mexico Supreme Court establishes new standard for peremptory excusals of judges.
If you have multiple parties on one side of a case, read this post before you try to excuse a judge.
5. It’s time for reciprocity in New Mexico.
Fortunately, our Supreme Court agreed (see above).
6. “A Bit of the Wild West Survives in New Mexico”
This 2012 post about New Mexico’s “fence-out” laws is still going strong.
7. Interview with Justice Paul Kennedy, Republican nominee for the NM Supreme Court
Another still-popular post from 2012 about one of the best lawyers in the State.
8. Is “independent intervening cause” alive in New Mexico?
Yes, for now, but be careful about relying on it.
9. Motion to compel arbitration is not a Get-Out-Of-Discovery-Free card, says NM Court of Appeals.
Discovery, that trouble-maker.
10. NM Court of Appeals holds that workers’ compensation covers medical marijuana.
Another step on the road to legalization.