The Spring 2014 edition of Appellate News, the newsletter of the State Bar of New Mexico Appellate Practice Section, is now out, and contains an interesting interview with Justice Barbara Vigil. You can also read my own interview with Justice Vigil here.
As a bibliophile and New Mexico history enthusiast, I was intrigued by the fact that Justice Vigil is reading Black-Robed Justice by Arie Poldervaart, which describes the colorful history of the New Mexico judiciary during territorial days. I had not heard of it, and look forward to getting my hands on a copy.
Do you know of any good books that focus on New Mexico’s legal history? If so, please offer any recommendations in the comments. I’m always looking for good books to read!
As for my own suggestion, I’ve recently acquired a copy of Sagebrush Lawyer, by Arthur T. Hannett, who practiced law in Gallup during the first half of the 20th Century, and served as Governor in 1925 and 1926. It looks like it will be an interesting read.